Big Data Tech Consulting

Our Practice offers the opportunity to analyze your huge business data with proven big data solutions. Our data analysts’ take the smart approach to harvest, analyze and activate the data for providing unique business solutions. Our consultants treat big data as an opportunity to jump-start the digital marketing program in the favor and the growth of the business. By analyzing data volume, velocity and variety, organizations can have the most optimized solution.
Some of the areas where our team can help organizations are,

  1. Technology Stacks & Road Map
  2. Outsourced Product Development
  3. Application Development & Maintenance
  4. Technology Consulting Services:
    • Onshore-Offsite Model
    • Agile Development
    • Code Collaboration & Management Tools
    • Dedicated Project Managers/Client Partner
Programming Languages
Python, Scala, R, Java, JavaScript (client-side plus NodejS)

Hadoop and Ecosystem
Ingestion Tools (Flume, Sqoop),
Transformation Tools (PIG, Hive),
MapReduce, YARN, Zookeeper, Oozie,
Machine Learning (Mahout)

Spark and Ecosystem
Machine Learning (MLib),
Streaming (Spark Streaming),
Shark (SQL-on-Spark)

NoSQL Databases
Column-based store (HBase, Cassandra),
Document-based store (CouchDB, MongoDB),
Key-Value store [Amazon S3 (Dynamo)],
Graph-based (Neo4J)